Someone (I would assume it was Kevin Atkinson, the author of the above filter but 
can't find the message now...) posted recently about temporal-med and wanted feedback. 
 I've been using it for a little over a week now and it seems to really work well.  I 
get a little bit of interference because of the distance of the video cable I'm using 
(not noticeable really, but there if you look for it).  This filter seems to do a good 
job of removing it.  I use the following command line:

   med interlaced true mode search show denoise pwidth 2 pheight 1

I used 'mode median', but it caused some problems.  Wrinkles on people's shirts, for 
example, would 'disappear' as the person moved then re-appear once the person stopped. 
 Made for an interesting effect - too bad it can't take the wrinkles out of my clothes 
in real life :-)  I wasn't able to get it to stop doing that and still see any 
improvement.  But the 'search' mode seems to work quite well.

The full chain-o-stuff I run my video through is as follows (not that anyone cares, 
but I know sometimes people can find it useful...)

      nice exportvideo -D 0 -Y 2 ${aName}.nuv 2>/dev/null | \
      nice yuvscaler -I ACTIVE_$Border -v 0 -O INTERLACED_TOP_FIRST | \
      nice yuvkineco -F 1 -i 0 -c 12 -n 15 -S 4 -C ${aName}.lst | \
      nice med interlaced false mode search show denoise pwidth 2 pheight 1 | \
      nice mpeg2enc -f 8 -b ${aRate} -V 230 -n n -s -a 2 -g 6 -G 18 -I 0 -Q 0.00 \
                    -r 24 -4 2 -2 2 -N -v 0 -p -F 1 -o ${aName}.m2v

This does a near-perfect pulldown for me and produces a sharp looking picture.  Note 
that '${aRate}' is a calculated bit rate depending on the length of movie encoded.  
ACTIVE_$Border depends on the type of movie I'm encoding (some are recording in 
standard 4:3 NTSC, but were letterboxed so on those I give a different black border 
from others...)  I noticed if I use 'med' before yuvkineco that pulldown sometimes 
doesn't work quite right (see quite a bit of dropping the wrong frame, which I'm sure 
I could resolve by playing with more of the yuvkineco parameters...but it is one of 
those things where it is working the way I want it so I'm not touching it :-)

-- Ray

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