Hi all,
I was able to reproduce with option --latin1 and the modified default style.
The offending node seems to be https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/9122388694
mkgmap loops in method AnyCharsetEncoder.encodeText(String text)
I guess the same can happen when labels are cut at length 170.
The a
Hi Ticker,
attached patch implements also a table driven decoder for the adria topo map.
The tree decoder and the table decode give the same values.
I learned that I need this (hardcoded) array for Topo Adra
int[] minCodes = {0,0,0,0,0,0,5,6,3,2,3,3,3,4,3,4,5,6,6,3,0};
I think these numbers are e
Hi Gerd
So, in the first byte of each prefix table entry, the bottom bit =1
means push 0-n bits back, =0 means need to get extra bits to decode. In
both cases the value is >>1 and biased in a strange way. In most cases
variable numbers of bits will be needed, but the minimum is known.
Value of 0 m
Looks like uft16 surrogate pair chars are being separated by the
On Mon, 2021-12-27 at 19:28 +0100, Arndt Röhrig wrote:
> ...mayby is in the osm data a kryptic text like this:
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/9115233473
...mayby is in the osm data a kryptic text like this:
Arndt Röhrig hat am 27.12.2021 18:52 geschrieben:
Hi Gerd,
sorry, th
Hi Gerd,
sorry, the uploaded file is from the Speiche-Baustelle.
My default style test has no contour lines, so the splitter put out other tiles.
I upload a n other file
The manupulatet points file:
# --
Hi Arndt,
I see no problems.
I added the line
inscription=* {set name='TEST ${inscription|substring:0:30}'}
at the top of the points file and used
java -jar dist\mkgmap.jar --style-file=d:\mkgmap\resources\styles\default
--add-pois-to-areas f:\dwnload\temp\79320018.osm.pbf
No crash, maps looks O
Hi Gerd,
i did it.
Gerd Petermann hat am 27.12.2021 16:29 geschrieben:
Hi Arndt,
cannot reproduce the pro
Hi Arndt,
cannot reproduce the problem. Please upload the tile that causes trouble to
Von: mkgmap-dev im Auftrag von Arndt
Gesendet: Montag, 27. Dezember 2021 16:17
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re:
Hi Gerd,
i put this to the points file from the default style:
inscription=* {set name='TEST ${inscription|substring:0:30}'}
mkgmap doesn´t work.
Arndt Röhrig hat a
Hi Gerd,
i try to remove this in the points file:
inscription=* {set SpeicheName='${SpeicheName} ${inscription}' | '${inscription}'}
mkgmap works!
After that i try this:
inscription=* {set SpeicheName='${Speiche
Hi Gerd,
> nul is removed, but nothing happens.
i try this in the points file: {set mkgmap:label:1='${SpeicheName|substring:0:169}'}
The result is, that more tiles will not work. Also 4827 doesn´t work with this.
Very co
Hi Arndt,
I see that you redirect the output to nul. Try to remove that to get more info
Von: mkgmap-dev im Auftrag von Arndt
Gesendet: Montag, 27. Dezember 2021 14:11
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] r4836 stops Hu
Hi Gerd,
there is a problem with the names in the points file.
If i set {set mkgmap:label:1='${name}'} instead of {set mkgmap:label:1='${SpeicheName}'} it works.
SpeicheName includes something like that:
Hi Gerd,
there is a mkgmap.log.0.lck and a mkgmap.log.0
mkgmap.log.0 shows only:
Mkgmap version 4837
Time started: Mon Dec 27 13:31:20 CET 2021
There is no message in the cmd-window.
I am quite at a
Hi Arndt,
what's the reason for the empty/missing tiles? There must be an error message
(in the log?) or a traceback
Von: mkgmap-dev im Auftrag von Arndt
Gesendet: Montag, 27. Dezember 2021 12:03
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re
Hi Gerd,
unfortunately the same result with r4837.
Gerd Petermann hat am 27.12.2021 11:47 geschrieben:
Hi Arndt,
Hi Arndt,
please check if the problem is fixed with r4837.
If yes, your style must somehow create labels with lots of (170 or more)
leading blanks.
Von: mkgmap-dev im Auftrag von Arndt
Gesendet: Montag, 27. Dezember 2021 11:35
An: Develop
Version mkgmap-r4837 was committed by gerd on Mon, 27 Dec 2021
prevent possible crash when label has 170 leading blanks
mkgmap-dev mailing list
Hi Gerd,
Oh, I'm just noticing, that tile 18/22 is missing (hungary). I test romania and see, that tile 10/50 is missing. The ovm tiles has 0 byte.
Mkgmap version 4836
Time started: Mon Dec 27 11:28:17 CET 2021
Hi Arndt,
I don't see how the changes between r4827 and r4836 could cause a silent stop.
I'd expect a crash while calculating the tiles when your style produces a label
starting with 170 or more blanks
or or a message "MDR sub file is too large" if the global index gets too large.
What exactly ha
I wish you had a merry christmas!There is a problem with my style (speichenkarte) and r4836.mkgmap stops without any reaction after building the tiles from hungary and romania. All other countrys works well.If i use r4827 mkgmap works.r4836 and the default style hungary and romania work
Hi Jose,
I found mkgmap_vs_qlandkarte.zip in https://files.mkgmap.org.uk/detail/539
Garmins Basecamp can open the gmapsuppMKGMAP.img but not the other file.
Same with GMapTool.
The gmapsuppQLAND.img contains large blocks of 0x00 or 0xff and the Garmin sub
are aligned to 0x1 boundaries:
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