Hi Gerd
OK thanks will check that tomorrow.
I think it's amazing how far both of you got.
On 28/12/2021 18:26, Gerd Petermann wrote:
Hi Nick,
yes, and esp. those MDR 16 which do not have a 0x15 at offset 2 like in this
03fa | 00 | aa 04 15 1b 15 08 cf 00 | record 0 (le
Hi Nick,
yes, and esp. those MDR 16 which do not have a 0x15 at offset 2 like in this
03fa | 00 | aa 04 15 1b 15 08 cf 00 | record 0 (len: 300, 0x12c)
Von: mkgmap-dev im Auftrag von nick
Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021 19:2
Hi Gerd
Great but as you confusing, although typically Garmin ;)
I noticed some are called map_mdr.img.
I'll check some other pc s tomorrow; I suppose you are specifically
looking for mdr16
On 28/12/2021 18:17, Gerd Petermann wrote:
Hi Nick,
thanks, the mdr file looks like a very e
Hi Nick,
thanks, the mdr file looks like a very early version with a very different
structure. Should help to understand the remaining bits :)
Von: mkgmap-dev im Auftrag von nick
Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021 19:00
An: mkgmap-dev@lists.mk
Hi Gerd
I have done a few for you, including one which causes a java error so
added the mdr
Wishing you and Ticker every success! Great Job !
On 28/12/2021 14:55, Gerd Petermann wrote:
java -ea -Xmx6800m -cp d:\display\dist\display.jar;d:\mkgmap
Hi Gerd,
Hungary and Romania work just fine. Thank you for your quick and uncomplicated help!
Gerd Petermann hat am 28.12.2021 14:22 geschrieben:
Hi Ticker,
Hi Carlos,
see https://files.mkgmap.org.uk/detail/542
Von: mkgmap-dev im Auftrag von Carlos
Gesendet: Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021 16:36
An: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Please help
Could you provide display.jar
Could you provide display.jar binary? I can't find it in the web, sorry.
El 28/12/21 a las 15:55, Gerd Petermann escribió:
Hi all,
those who have original garmin maps for the PC and know how to compile display
Update to r575 or higher.
Please execute the program MdrDisplay on the global
Hi all,
those who have original garmin maps for the PC and know how to compile display
Update to r575 or higher.
Please execute the program MdrDisplay on the global index of the map (e.g
mdrmap.img) like this:
java -ea -Xmx6800m -cp d:\display\dist\display.jar;d:\mkgmap\dist\mkgmap.jar
Hi Ticker,
okay, maybe you find time to implement a better solution.
I've committed the patch with r4838.
@Arndt: Please check if this solves the problems with your maps.
Not sure about this because you said mkgmap stops without any reaction
while this problem was a loop.
Version mkgmap-r4838 was committed by gerd on Tue, 28 Dec 2021
prevent infinite loop when encoder detects malformed input
mkgmap-dev mailing list
Hi Gerd
I'm working through your codebook discoveries but finding the patches
hard to undo/redo with other changes happening to display. I'd much
prefer you just committing all display changes as you go and I'll
update. I doubt if this will inconvenience anyone else at the moment.
Hi Gerd
This fix is reasonable in the short term but has some problems:
If the invalid UTF16 string is output by other means (eg diagnostics),
it could cause a (more conventional) crash - but probably not looping.
Anything concatenated onto this string will be lost - this could be
fixed by initi
Hi Ticker,
a few more findings for Adria Topo, Benelux and Topo Fr, probably true for all
my maps:
byte at 0:
Any odd value lets MapSource crash
Values 0x02, 0x06, 0x0a,0x0e, 0x12, , 0xfe all seem to work without any
Other even values produce either crashes or garbage in result l
Hi Ticker,
new patch seems to work with my 5 maps.
reg. bytes 0..2 and 30/31 etc:
The Adria Topo map has 30/31 and 32/33, the other 4 maps with MDR 16 don't have
Info for some demo maps in gmapsupp format(they don't have 15/16)
TransAlpin (2009) has 32/33, but not 30/31
TransAlpin (2012) h
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