Hi Joris

My opinion is that using TYPViewer to edit the the mkgmap held typ-
files is too dangerous; it deletes language strings it can't cope with
and makes textual changes that make it very difficult to see the actual
difference between versions.

Unless TYPViewer supports and generates a unicode .typ file, there is
no way having a full multi-lingual .typ. It needs to be kept as a .txt
until the point of use, ideally letting mkgmap do the conversion. It
can safely chuck translations that can't be represented in the chosen
charset of the map.

See https://www.mkgmap.org.uk/doc/typ-compiler

Concerning Default Descriptions and English (see Common options...
String= in above). I intended it to be like this, with a generic
default description as the first string (tending to American English)
and, if other languages have a translated string, having this with an
explicit language. Including the idea that an explicit English string
might be specified that will overrule the default.


On Mon, 2022-03-14 at 13:55 +0000, Joris Bo wrote:
> Hi,
> In attachment a new version of the mapnik.txt typ-file.
> The one that comes with mkgmap at the moment is not editable by
> typviewer.
> I made the follwing changes to be alligned with mkgmap-4895 default-
> style
> - Compiled to .typ with mkgmap, opened with typviewer and exported as
> utf-8 to make it typviewer compliant again
> - Recreated language 0x04 English if not exists anymore
> - Made translations 0x00 (unknown/default) same as 0x04 English
> - If 0x00 Default does not exist, created copy from 0x04 englisch
> - Re-translated some items 
> - Added amenity=bench 0x6505
> - Added water point 0x650d
> - Added symbol for borderpatrol same as police
> - Duplicate camp_site 0x2b03 from 0x2b05
> Kind regards,
> Joris
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