This message is not encrypted but sent from a verified user on the dmail
blockchain <>Dear sir,

I am Bishwa Karki, a 4th year Computer Engineering student from one of the
prestigious engineering college, Paschimanchal Campus, of Nepal. I have
practical experience in C/C++, Java and Python.
As of my major project I am implementing "Text to Image Synthesis" using
Generative Adversarial Network(GAN) and found similar project in the
section " Essential Deep Learning Module"  of Mlpack. So I am keenly
interested in contributing mlpack in doing GAN project in this summer code

For this I have already gone through paper listed in the GAN section under
"Essential Deep Learning Module" as it was also the same paper for my
project. But coming upto the description section in the ideas list it
became vague for me to understand, should we have to implement all the deep
learning modules listed in that section or can choose any of those, like
GAN only?

At the last, from
<> I saw
mlpack library can be implemented with Python and as per the requirement of
GSoC should we have to implement it in C++ only or can choose Python ?

Bishwa Karki
mlpack mailing list

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