hi friends, i bought bluetooth keyboard for my android1, i used it and
writing its format and some useful steps i have come through,
note: except my these steps if anybody have the additional steps you
explored and found, please write ahead.
here is the bluetooth keyboard:

-- Bluetooth keyboard:
It can be used for i fone, android, nokia.
It has 49 keys in 5 lines, each line has 10 keys except bottom line,
it has 9 keys.
space key occupied the space of two keys.
Additionally it has 1 moving button and
1 USB port through which keyboard can be charged.
Key number1 on the top left, next to that key is 2.
Like this all the keys are as follow:
Top and first line:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0.
Second line:
Q, w, e, r, t, y, u, i, o and p.
Third line:
A, s, d, f, g, h, j, k, l and delete key.
Fourth line:
Z, x, c, v, b, n, m, semicolon, ' and enter key.
Fifth, last and bottom line:
There are 9 keys:
In this line there are 2 fn keys:
one is on the bottom left and another one is on the bottom right.
Keys in this line as follows:
1. Fn key.
2. Shift.
3. Alt key.
 4. Comma.
5. Space key.
6. Fullstop.
7. Cmd.
8. Control.
9. Fn key.

How to pair the keyboard with phone:
1. Move the moving button towards USB port to switch on the keyboard.
2. Press the 9 key to pair the bluetooth.
3. Now switch on the bluetooth on phone and search for bluetooth devices.
4. When you find bluetooth keyboard press connect, then you will be
prompted to enter password.
5. You can find this password on your keyboard manual. If you are not
able to find, try with this number: 722867 enter this number on your
bluetooth keyboard and press enter key just below the delete key.
Once you are connected, you need not to enter password again and again
to connect later.

Here i am giving you some explored and tested shortcut keys:
Bluetooth keyboard hot keys and their functions:
1. Fn+1 home screne.
2. Fn+2: brightness minus.
3. Fn+3: brightness+.
4. Fn+4s previous track.
5. Fn+5 pause/play.
6. Fn+6 next track.
7. Fn+7 mute.
8. Fn+8 volume minus.
9. Fn+9 volume+.
10. Fn+0 lock screne.
11. Fn+0long press: power off.
12. Space key: press once for unlock screne. And press it twice for
unlock device.
13. Fn+m search.
14. Fn+comma language switch.
15. Fn+space virtual keyboard.
16. Fn+q stepback.
17. Fn+o browser.
18. Fn+p sleep.
19. Fn+l, or, cmd+e: mail.
20. Fn+period language switch.
21. Fn+w: up arrow.
22. Fn+s: down arro.
23. Fn+a: left arrow.
24. Fn+d: right arrow.
Through these arrows we can navigate the options on menu.

Ten symbols:
25. Fn+r: tilde.
26. Fn+t: underscore.
27. Fn+y: plus.
28. Fn+u: verticle bar.
29. Fn+f: grave accent.
30. Fn+g: dash.
31. Fn+h: equal sign.
32. Fn+j: back slash.
33. Fn+k: slash.
34. Fn+i: question mark.

Combination keys with control key are 4:
1. Ctrl+a select all.
2. Ctrl+c copy.
3. Ctrl+x cut.
4. Ctrl+v paste.

Combination keys with alt+shift are only 3:
1. Alt+shift+r recently visited pages.
2. Alt+shift+n notification bar.
3. Alt+shift+z: suspention of talkback.
Again to switch on talkback, just lock and unlock the screne.
These 3 hot keys will not work when the battery is low either on phone
or on the keyboard.

Combination keys with cmd key are 8:
1. Cmd+s message.
2. cmd+e, or, cmd+g: mail.
3. Cmd+t: hangouts.
4. Cmd+y: youtube.
5. Cmd+p play music.
6. Cmd+l: calendar.
7. Cmd+c: contacts.
8. Cmd+b: or, fn+o: browser..

Combination key with shift are 4:
1. Shift+fullstop: left angle bracket.
2. Shift+comma: right angle bracket.
3. Shift+semicolon: colon.
4. Shift+apostrophe: quote.
Rest of all the keys with shift are just like on the computer as:
shift+1: exclamation, shift+2: at the rate of, etc.

As i explored the keys, i could not make some tasks: they are:
1. I could not dial the number and could not make a call or sms.
For this i installed dw contacts and phone dialer and used it
wonderfully with all options.
2. I could do all tasks on playstore but to know the app downloading
status, touching screne is inevitable.
3. I could enter the file manager but without touching screne i could
not select sd card.
4. Unless i touch screne i could not get the apps to the home screne
and could not remove them from there.
4. I could not optimise power issues on battery doctor with keyboard.
5. We cannot receive call without touching the screne, for install
telmanager, you will get only 2 buttons on the screne like decline and
answer buttons when you get the call. We can reach these buttons with
keyboard but can't be clicked.
6. one best use:
in the case of mails,
i used it with aqua mail, at a time we can mark many mails and delete
by pressing c,
we can easily navigate all the mails.
thats all i exxplored.
I am pleasure if anybody can find shortcut keys to reach the option
buttons like more option button and settings button inside the apps.
In some applications we can do this but in some application we can't.
Please explore and let all of us know.
One thing: don't worry we can do many things faster with keyboard than
by touching screne.
Note: i did these all on the android phone and on nokia e5.
Worked on android, not worked on nokia.
Thanks and regards

no waves no sea,
no hurdles no life,
so keep trying to achieve goals in your life,
mobile: +919493607122
Skype: erriswami2

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