Hello Fellow MM/Fat Albert Fans. After some detective work I've found out a
couple things about our cherished cartoon. Here's one link I found:
http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Network/1848.  It gives some info.
about Bill Cosby not owning the rights to the cartoon (I guess "Hallmark
entertainment" now owns it, so it's up to them if/when it gets distributed)
(so I guess my second theory on my last post was incorrect). One of my
theories about how the "Cos's" early "liberal" politicized views about the
world had quickily change once he got some green in his wallet do seem to be
valid. There's a quote on this site where someone asked the Cos why he
doesn't consider a "reunion" show or something for Fat Albert to which he
replies: "That period of my life is over". Sounds as though he's a bit
resentful/embarrassed or something.
Also, here's another site called Mohammed's Fat Albert page. It has some an
"episode synopsis" guide so we can revisit the complex plot lines which were
the real "backbone" of this groundbreaking animated series. Check it out


P.S. Thanks TG for the "Paging Dr. Huxtable" info. By the way, TG are you
old enough to remember seeing the F.A Halloween episode (I remember being
totally scared!). 

P.S. 2: Please don't get upset over this being an apparently non-MM post.
I'd be willing to bet that Isaac and the boys loved Fat Albert back in the
day, so this does have relevance.

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