<<sorry to the rest of the list, by the way... this must be really
annoying... it'll all be over soon, though.>>

mickey (my aforementioned TALL redheaded girl/friend who i will be
with) and i were talking about having a little indie rawk tailgate
party at the show, when/where we park.  we will be in a black jetta
(i know, i know.  shut up.  i ride the bus, okay?) and we will be
with jeff and jen (blue hair and bright bright pink hair).  wouldn't
it be fun to pack up a lot of food/water and just get all fueled up
BEFORE the show?  come on?  we can't take ANYTHING in.

keep emailing... maybe directly, though.

karina:  did you read the no picnic bulletin boards?  see if you can
spot me!  mickey is on there, too.

/// ... naked if i want to ...  ///
::: http://www.zyworld.com/k8mercier/k8.htm :::

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