Here's my two cents:

Even though I'd love to see Ralph Nader make it to the top, he won't, which 
sucks, but you shouldn't feel like a sell out if you vote Gore to screw Bush. 
 Nominating Supreme Court Justices is too damn important to fall into Bush's 
hands (being as half the court is pushing/past 60) and I don't think anyone 
wants to see Mr. Clarence Thomas repeated 9 times over.  Plus, regardless of 
who controls the Congress, a Green President won't be able to get past a 
two-part Senate or House.  Instead of arguing between Gore and Nader, we 
should just convince conservatives to vote for Buchanan to mess up the Bush 
vote.  We live in the real world.  There's something to be said for ideals, 
but there's also something to be said for the fact that Bush is the bigger 
fuck up.  Nader won't win.  And I sure as hell don't want another 
Reagan-wannabe Bush in office.

PS. Reagan is evil

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