In a message dated 07/27/2000 5:01:42 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

<< you do what you want, but i don't want an insane person in office just so
 that people could have rebelled against gore.
 - amy
George Dubya ain't insane, he's just dumb as a fucking fencepost.  And many 
of his advisors, notably Condoleezza Rice, are more intelligent than anyone 
working for Gore.  The Repubs to watch out for are the Neanderthals in 
Congress like DeLay and Helms and Lott.  But I fear a Gore administration 
almost as much as I fear a Bush administration - he'd give us 
ballistic-missile weapons even faster than Bush, for example - and thus I 
will vote for Nader because I find both of the major-party players so 
utterly, utterly despicable.  But a larger point to remember, Amy, is that 
elections in the US are demonstration elections, bread-and-circus affairs to 
make people believe they have democracy.  Real democracy is practiced in 
petition drives and street protests and city council meetings and stuff like 
that.  The rest is rich-folks' window dressing.

Loring Wirbel
Monument, Colo.

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