Hey, I remember reading this once but never had anyone try it..
 Put warped record under a heavy piece of glass and put it out in 
 the sun for a well.. theoretically the sun heats it and the glass 
 presses it flat.  Vinyl theorists would say that records always going to
 be fucked, but I say go for it.  Go all out, some folks might even say yo
 surely black, your buggin' out.

btw, complain about warped vinyl. It's bullshit.  I sent a nasty email 
to Grand Royal because the last 3 records I got from them were 
warped in some way.. I really wanted At Home with the Groove Box 
on Vinyl but it was warped too so I took it back to the record store 
and emailed grand royal. They seemed concerened. Who knows, 
maybe they will make changes. There problems were the jackets 
were too tight for the records.. in the process of shipping and all it 
slowly warps the record out of shape..

> > << been warped for them as well.
> >  on one side it's fine, but then like on the other side it's amazing.
> >  i'm gonna leave it under books for awhile and see what happens, but so
> >  far
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