On 9 Jun 2000, at 12:04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> what is this band like because i really like this quote. also, are they
> just 
> a local band or is it available?
>    shaYne

they're from the detroit area -- marshall, to be exact.

the cd "our own wars" is available on no idea records.  no idea has 
a website (http://www.noidearecords.com); but the last i heard they 
were out of the album.  same with cdnow, who also says they have 
it on backorder.  i finally found a copy at lumberjack 
(http://www.lumberjack-online.com) for around $10 if i remember 

as previously stated, they sound similar to hot water music and 
jawbreaker but still have their own unique sound.  two vocalists with 
somewhat gruffy voices, good lyrics, blah blah, et cetera.  they're 
also excellent live, in my opinion.  check 'em out.

 -- brad

ps: http://www.smallbrownbike.com

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