little somtin somtin

1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?

tanner*  i live in asheville, nc   18

2.What is your favorite mouse song?
cross between baby blue sedan and custom concern

3.What are five records you couldn't live without
Bright Eyes...letting off the happiness/every day and every nite
The Pixies...Trompe Le Monde
Sonic Youth...Dirty
modest mouse...all
wow...that's more than 5

4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
    bad or good?

   all right..i don't get involved with it often

5.  Ebay, bad or good?

   for some things!

6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest, is he
voting for himself or what?


7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?

     sure DON'T!

8.  First live show?

     Archers of Loaf/Capsize 7/Vitality House...awesome show!

9.  Best live show?

FUGAZI/FARAQUET!.....enough said

10.  Favorite sound?

       air conditioners in hotels..those are nice     
11.  least favorite sound?

  alarm clock

12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
on the internet bad/good?

      i dont' really care...another one of those things i don't get involved 

13.  What book should every person in america read?

      Without a doubt...Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins...the man 
is a fucking prophet...i recommend all of his books...

14.  Signing to a major bad/good?

      moral amongst yurselves

15 Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to

   whoa...hell no

16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic

   just FINE!

17.  Favorite beer?

   New Castle

18.  Favorite color?

19.  What are you going to name your first born child?


> >20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells
> >tons about a person)

American Beauty
Stand By Me
American History X
Drop Dead Fred

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