far be it for me to stay out of a conversation that i was not included in...
but when it comes to the mighty sonic youth, i take that as fighting words,
where i come from the sonic youth laid the blueprint for 3, maybe 4 million
different guitar bands since 19 and seventy whatever...i mean where would
blonde redhead be w/o the youth..?
to the younger listees, do the math, and i dont mean math rock, i mean the
sonic youth are like a treasure chest of sounds and songs and "indie guitar
swing"....think they're major label trash, pick up the silver session cd,
released for a dead fan,as tribute....pick up the 3-cd series on syr
records, with jim o'rourke, and others, and then tell me the SY are not as
indie as all get out....

to the sensitive listboy- noise for noise sake is what its all about....no
noise equals everclear.....its yr trip,kill yr idols.....

thanks for the precious time.....
obsessive fanboy in the SY army #47

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