okay so lets stop talking about this bullshit
last time i introduced a topic it did pretty well so 
here we go again:::::::::

(by the way, you can all think that i am full of shit, but i dont think
that arguing is a good way of making something positive out of this
inherently positive situation we have here -- a grouping [however
artificial it may be] based on common interest)

i have always thought about a few things with respect to the mouse - lets
see what other people have to say about them:

1) isaac as a real writer...how powerful are his words without music?
2) how do you pin down the mouse's style? some of my favourite songs by
the band are not really considered "real" modest mouse songs -- is one of
the bes t things about the band their diversity? (i.e. the existence of
jesus christ... and it's all nice... on the same record)
3) how much *meaning* per se, is in isaac's lyrics? are they photographic
impressions or deep ponderings?

quote song lyrics! love!

On Sun, 25 Jul 1999, Mike Schmick wrote:

> ok....so we have established that it was wrong and all that and any profit
> margin is wrong (this is a fine line, if you consider a new bootleg in
> exchange a profit as well.... I.E. trading tapes) but just for the record it
> wasn't 9$ worth of my time.  CD-R's for your computer are like 2$ but I
> don't have a CD-R writter for my computer.   All I have access to is my
> friends audio only cd writter.  And the cd's for it are 5$ each (*readers
> note* you can't use a regular CD-R in these so if you are in the
> market...get one for your computer I know he wishes he did).  I also printed
> labels for the cd's.  Anyway...in all I was looking at about 5bucks profit
> per disc. and I was only making 13. If you consider the writter writes in
> "real-time" 73mins, equals less than minimum wage.  And since I make 3 times
> minimum wage at work, I obviously wasn't in it for the money.    Anyway, I
> won't bore the list with this anymore and this letter isn't meant as a
> justification or a defense just an explaination.  ---mike
> > I can dig that your selling the cds and a lot of time & effort goes into
> > it--buying the cdrs, burning 'em, mailing them...but $13 is a lot of
> money.
> > bootlegging in my opinion has always been about fans trading tapes and
> > stuff, like the many people that post mp3s for free whenever possible.
> > Selling a cd for $13 also hurts the band, man.  It's like you're cuttin in
> > on their cash by selling them. I know that even though it costs you $$$ to
> > do this you're making money on the deal...CD-R's are like $2, and shipping
> > can't be more than $2.  Burning the CD takes some of your time, but $9
> worth
> > of your time?? I'm not claiming to know exactly how much it costs you, but
> > it appears you're making a profit off of something you have no right to
> > profit from.
> >

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