fuck nader..i want LEIGH for president.
seriously tho..leigh offers the absolute best insight of anyone on this list.
ps.the word CLITASAURUS is forever etched in my brain

well smartypants... amazing that a 15 year old knows so much about this and
everything else for that matter... i don't drink in the first place, so i
know for sure that my kid isn't going to be suffering from any alcohol
related defects, or f.a.s. or anything like that... whatever, my hair is of
even legnth all the way around... not longer in the back... you don't show
for a long time into your pregnancy, at least a few months... and i think
that if i was knocked up, i think i'd suspect something was up (ie no
bleeding when there should be... sorry boys, serious style).  and if you get
pregnant right around lets say day 14, you should start to figure something
might be wrong about 2 to 3 weeks after that... fuck, if you are having
unprotected sex around your most fertile time, you should maybe suspect that
you might be acquiring a bun in the oven.  right?  have the planned
parenthood people come and talked to your class yet?  and i never said that
drinking was going to make someone's prized fetus turn into a grapefruit, but
it definately doesn't help the kids chances.  and forgive me for being so
dense, because i know that a half a high school education and a computer
makes one a fucking genius, but what does this mean:
a baby coming out = NOT YOU!

thanks sweetness... kiss kiss

love and mishaped heads,

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