from digest v001.n401:

> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kyle Souza)
> Subject: Re: Digest modestmouse.v001.n400
> >Modest Mouse is an almost unheard of
> >band, especially when you get out of the west coast.
> a small but cute following in maine!!!   don't forget maine!!!

also in the upper peninsula of michigan, surprisingly enough.  there 
seems to be a strange following of the band up here, more or less 
all of the college radio followers in the area.  the local sam goody 
carries cds by them even, proving that there's at least a little bit of 
a demand.

yet, surprisingly enough, when i went to green bay, wisconsin 
recently to search for music i couldn't find a single mm release 
anywhere...  go figure.

i'd have to say that i think they have a large following, but not a very 
large following -- as in, large for most independent label bands, but 
not as large as pavement for example.

> From: Michael R Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: best line
> lets talk about something meaningful with respect to the band -- i am sure
> this has been done on the list before -- favourite song lines -- verses
> even -- lets let each other know what lines have affected and changed us
> -- for me, the mouse is more than a band -- isaac's lyrics (for the most
> part) really hit a spot for me -- i was wondering what lines people on
> here liked.... i'll start with a few--

well, to start it off, my current four favourite modest mouse songs 
are these: other peoples lives, ohio, it always rains on a picnic and 
teeth like god's shoeshine.  and medication. and novocain stain.  
my six favourite songs are, as follows, ...  =)

as for quotes, only a few stand out in my mind as being 
mindblowing, just because of the fact that i feel all of issac's lyrics 
are amazing.  but, here's a few anyways...

'as long as your gone / i can't apologize / for all the things that i 
haven't said and done' -- life of arctic sounds

'this is the part of me that thinks outer space is all dead / this is 
the part of me that wishes it was with it' and 'you can't make dirt 
clean so we'll just lemon-scent it' -- medication

'i hear voices insinuating / feed me lyrics to this song that i am 
sayin' / sunlight, 7:20pm, early september / standing, looking at a 
photograph that you do not remember / being taken you look out of 
breath and me like i am fakin' / as a matter of fact i don't recall this 
photo being taken / you don't even actually exist, so i just started 
shaking...' -- exit does not exist

'i got up, remembering to thank him / better things to do so i'll start 
drinking' -- all night diner

'everyone's life ends but no one ever completes it' -- dark center of 
the universe

'other people's lives seem more intersting 'cause they aint mine' - 
other peoples lives

and previously mentioned quotes from talking shit, polar opposites, 
and bankrupt on selling.

meanings?  good question...  a lot of those quotes (and the songs 
they're from) just kinda spark off some sort of feeling in my mind, 
like i'm not as alone in this world as i like to pretend i am.  or, 
sometimes, they make me realize that i'm more alone than i could 
ever know.  and a few are related to specific people and situations 
as well.

        -- b. ( )

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