I've really tried to keep my mouth shut about this, but, Amy, you are so 
ignorant.  And I'm not saying stupid, I'm saying uninformed.  I'm not going 
to insult you, but let's just say that I usually don't bother reading your 
posts, but after Leigh's response, I was curious.  My dad is gay.  Granted, 
he didn't decide he was gay until I was 6 months old, but he's gay 
nonetheless.  And I'm glad.  My mom also had girlfriends through most of my 
adolescence, and it bothered me a little, but I accepted it.  I had a 
slumber party for my 10th birthday with all the girls from school there.  
Later, it turned out that one of the girls' mom's knew my dad from a long 
time ago and told her that she couldn't go to my house anymore b/c he was 
gay.  I went to a pentecostal school, if that tells you anything.  Well, she 
went to school and told everyone, then they all started prank calling my 
house and leaving extremely mean messages on the machine.  My dad hid all 
this from me, but the kids at school teased me a little.  I thought nothing 
of it.  I knew that he had always had male "roommates", and I loved them 
almost as much as him.  He finally took me to fly kites one day and set me 
down and explained to me how he was.  He was really worried that I wouldn't 
love him anymore, but I reacted like, "yeah, and so?"  When my mom started 
having girlfriends, everyone would tease me, as this was jr. high, and kids 
are a little meaner by then.  I was angry towards her for many other 
reasons, so her sexual orientation didn't bother me too much.  Maybe just a 
little. I wasn't living with her a lot of the time, so it didn't really 
affect me as much as my dad. Through high school, my dad worried constantly 
about what my friends would say.  He always told me not to tell anyone, and 
he freaked when I did.  And I always did.  I was proud of him for having the 
courage to be who he was, and it inspired me to be who I am, rather than 
worry about what others thought I should be.  I love his friends, and they 
love me.  My friends loved him and his friends, even though none of them had 
ever known gay people and were wary at first.  When, I went to college, he 
again told me not to tell anyone.  That it would be harder for me. Bullshit. 
  I wouldn't want to hang out with anyone that would make it harder on me 
for my father's choice to suck dick.  And I was open with my friends from 
the beginning.  Anyway, my point is this.  Gays have a total right to have 
children, and I encourage them more than anyone.  I was brought up to be 
completely accepting of any type of person.  And I learned, at an early age, 
the importance of being who you are and making yourself happy.  I also saw a 
lot of the repression and aggression towards people for choosing to do so, 
by people who were scared of the idea of being completely honest with 
oneself and going against what the majority thought of as normal.  I also 
saw how overlooked AIDS was for a long time b/c it affected gays more than 
straights.  I had known many of my dad's friends die when I was growing up, 
and I would hear stories of many more that I had never met.  My dad's long 
time lover died of the disease, when I was 11, and my dad contracted it 
(he's still alive and kicking, though).  Yet it was the early 90s before the 
epidemic starting getting attention.  After straight people started dying.  
It all definitely made me more aware of what needs to change in our society, 
and I've tried to do my part in changing people's views.  That's all I can 
do.  But, don't ever say that these people don't have a right to have kids.  
If a parent communicates well enough with their child, walking in on their 
dad sticking it in some guys ass, is about as odd as them walking in on 
their dad sticking it to their mom.  That's the way it should be.  There 
should be no differentiation.  People love who they love, and you should be 
happy for them for loving rather than hating. Either scenerio could do 
damage to a kid, so why are you making it seem wrong and unhealthy for men 
to have sex with each other if you HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH GAYS?  I love the 
way I was brought up, and it's made me a much better person than many of 
those around me.  I wish everyone could experience it and see it through 
their own eyes, so they could fully understand what I'm having a hard time 
conveying.  I am completely offended by your statement that gay people 
should never have kids.  Anyway, I hope I got my point across.  It's pretty 
early, and I didn't get enough sleep, so my head is pretty cloudy.
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