People wrote:

> From: Andrew Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> so who on this list is going? call me crazy but me and 9 othe rkids are

i'm going to be there; proudly getting way too into rainer maria and 
atom and his package and spending way too much money on 
music.  maybe i'll put a picture up on my webpage before i go so 
people can come and find me and say 'hey, i've been to your 
webpage!' and scare me half to death.  or, maybe not...

> From: Kristian Erickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: song addiction

> I'm addicted to a couple of songs right now..

i'm currently addicted to 'the old master painter' and 'i just wasn't 
made for these times' by the beach boys.  a friend of mine gave me 
his copy of "pet sounds" as an early birthday gift, and i downloaded 
"smile" and burned it to cd recently.  i still believe that the early 
beach boys stuff was horrible, but those two albums are worth the 
credit that they get.  an example of this is brian wilson's adaptation 
of 'you are my sunshine', which is part of 'the old master painter':

you were my sunshine, my only sunshine.
you made me happy when skies were blue.
you'll never know, dear, how much i loved you.
how could you take my sunshine away?

not exactly happy, but it fits the mood that i've been in recently...

as for everyone that brought up pinback recently, what i've heard by 
them is great.  i think i like rob crow's solo acoustic stuff more 
though.  and some of the heavy vegetable stuff is better, too...  
which reminds me: check out  it's a legit site that 
features stuff by all of rob crow's various projects (get the 
unreleased cassette box set.  now.) and various other bands that 
can be related to him in some way or another.  you won't be sorry.

the other, non geek on the hotboys page brad.

 --- brad ( )

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