imagine my suprise and pleasure when i arrived to find the modest mouse
japan e.p. sitting in my mailbox literally 2 weeks before i expected it.
i just cracked it up now and i'm about half way through.

its pretty good so far.  theres a lot of cool guitar overdub stuff going
on and of course some more overdubbed vocals.  it sounds like isaac is
playing an acoustic guitar on a lot of stuff.  i'm not sure if this is
because of his string gauges (i.e. heavy gauges).  i was actually
wondering about this... does isaac play an acoustic guitar on a lot (or
any) of the songs on _lonesome crowded west_?

at any rate, theres more fiddle, cool songs, etc.
good luck to everyone who plans to order a copy.  i was expected to have
to reorder mine, but i guess i lucked out.


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