from the brain of Nicholas P. Galli -- the "Flesh Wristwatch"... i
fell victim to this while working with this sick bastard in Santa
Cruz.  Basically, it went something like this:  "Hey Kate" (to my
turned back) "What, Nick."  "Have you seen my new wristwatch?"  Me,
turning around pleasantly, "No, when did -- oh god.  Please put that
back in your pants."

Yes, he had looped his cock around his wrist and was gawking down at
it, for effect.  I only fell victim to it once, but that was enough
to make me ask him several times a week to show his new watch to my

Love and do you like him, or like like him?,


p.s.  learning WAAAAAAY too much about Leigh and Dusty's love life. 
but enjoying it every step of the sordid way.

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