this was posted before within the last 3 days, but I will let that slide
for three reasons:

1) it wasn't about "cockrock"
2) it wasn't about how it wasn't cockrock
3) Phil Smoker is easily my most favorite member of this list...and I
don't even know the guy, but I always find his posts extremely well thought
out, never off the cuff, RARELY redundant, but always worth reading.

We all could learn miles from Philip Smoker.

if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
if you can't say something smart, you post 6 million messages a day.

Sincerely bitchy, 
J. Tother

---- Philip Smoker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> don't say I never tried to help you,
> *phiL*
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