In response to this: (NOTE:nevermind, I just end up rambling on about 
nothing, really)

<<What I tell people is, "You know why I'm an elitist pig?  Because so many
people actually LIKE 'Who Wants to be a Millionaire?'  Because that's proof
positive that 90 percent of the human beans walking around on the planet are
largely dysfunctional jackasses.  This may not mean all mainstream music
sucks by nature, but it certainly means that there is no relationship 
popularity and quality."

Loring Wirbel


I agree with this in many ways, but in many ways I want to disagree with 
this. These human beans you speak of-- they are...
but often I find myself at the point that I need to give them a chance, 
because they really need to give themselves a chance--

I don't know... for instance, I go to school in Oklahoma at OSU (a state 
college).. and my first 2 years thus far, I've put up/"tempered" myself with 
people totally the opposite of myself-- a lot of face-value kinda people. 
Yuo see, I'm in a fraternity-- one that did haze until about 7 months ago, 
so I had to go through that shit as well (most of which is gone... for which 
I also feel like I can write a nice play on fiction and the small reality). 
For 2 years, I fell sheltered to these people-- a few assholes, just like 
you know them-- and then some pretty decent people... mostly my drinking 
buddies (go to parties and laugh and gawk at the dumbass, red red meat 
mannequins walking about the devil's den-- more face value than you can 

I feel like I'm always gonna run into people like this-- I didn't join this 
thing for the fun of it, the merit, etc. I was more or less pushed into upon 
my passive, yet very hesitant hand, by my stepdad and a brother already at 
the same college and in this THING. An experience, I guess. I'm like the 
only introvert in a house so unruly and unorganized. I've just learned to 
come to terms with people like this. I've come to realize only so many 
people can be your best friends (travelling to OKC and Norman, OK almsot 
monthly to see my beloved friends).

We're all consumers, to some extent-- and this consumerism is at the root of 
our inhumanity, I feel. We are currently in somewhat of an economic boom-- 
society is happy... and thus all of these shit groups (N' Sync, etc.)... and 
MTV gets ratings based on it-- with their statistics pooling from their TRL. 
I, too, hate how people consume from the shelf conveniently in front of 
them. I hate how people will pick up their cell phone- mid-conversation in 
the car, at a coffee shop, etc.

Society sucks-- it really blows ass, and until we have another recession, 
upon my theory anyway, no one will look to other options-- as what so 
conveniently and "timed" happened with Nirvana-- people became more "human" 
it seemed.

You know: I just hate how opinions separate each man from one another... I 
saw "Pleasantville" earlier, again. I love that movie almost despite the 
plot-- it is the very sociological premise that hits me frantically.

Everything isn't perfect-- it's not how each individual wants to be (someone 
else's perfect)... it can never happen. Anything that man creates, he can 
just as well easily fuck it up or otherwise corrupt it-- (SEE organized 
religion, politics, [mass-]production VS hand-made crafts and items).

so if you don't see what I'm saying, why not ream someone for not being a 
human being rather than gawking at them just like they do you?

I think everyone should at least like or pay some attention to the Flaming 
Lips, but that only seems somewhat common in the UK (they're still unheard 
of to MANY people in Oklahoma-- their home state, since we've really only 
got a tap on the country biz)

grow up-- cuz you're always gonna be flippin' off that guy who swerves into 
your lane.

but to answer your question, Loring:

there is a significant relationship between popularity and quality;

basic assumption of economics: "The value of a good is subjective"...

and you're right, these mindless beand will never discover the extent of 
their media-induced brainwashing--

and it still confuses me, but I don't get mad over it.

cuz : "well, you're livin' your life- that's the price you pay"

but I think now... I haven't said anything at all to the point, and now 
you're all gonna rag on me for being a FRAT boy (when I'm more sensitive and 
caring and philosophical than any of you will ever even care to give a shit 
about)... so, honestly, I don't give a rats ass what you indie elitists 
think-- I wear clothes everyday, for example-- and that's what they are... 
they may not be representative of the thoughts constantly flowing through my 
head (keeping my severed head awake at night), but at least I know that the 
nice 25 year old girl that I work with that has bleach blonde hair (and a 5 
year old kid) has suffered more in her lifetime than any of you emo shits 
can stomach-- and yet she's a surprisingly upbeat person. sorry-- I have to 
say I very much dislike the Get Up Kids-- I feel like anyone can do that...

the music people listen to lets you into their minds-- if it be N' Sync, 
they are commonly mindless, in my opinion, and I pay little attention to 
them, since there are too many people in this world for me to meet so why 
even bother-- I'll grace their presence, just as they will be in the movie 
of my life... but why condemn them since they are in dire need of 

point: challenge them... "what does fucking people over do for you, sir? 
does it please your ego that you hurt someone?"

blah blah blah

shuttin' up my deathporn immortality blues,


a proof, formulated from an anecdote, that I wish was true:

"good things come to those who wait"
so, we can say, good things come to those who are patient.. ??

and then patience is often considered a virtue--

thus, "good things come to those who are virtuous"...

but, in my case, that's complete bullshit since there are assholes 
everywhere competing for the ultimate in face value (e.g. the EVIL George W. 
Bush, Jr.-- look at/into the man's eyes---- he's absolutely EVIL)
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