okay im an ego maniac so i cant resist this sort of thing. bring it on!

1.Who are you/where do you reside/how old are you?
ANDREW JACOB HAGER/WELLS MAINE/18 (19 in sixteen days...fuckin' right)
2.What is your favorite mouse song?
WAYDOWN is the best when you are driving..otherwise ive always been fondest of 
3.What are five records you couldn't live without.
1)the two new braid compilation c.d.s
2)anything by stan getz
3)tie: "pet sounds" by the beach boys/journey's greatest hits (im dead serious)
5)"you turn me on"-beat happening
4. Putting records on the internet for free download:
i have no problem with this..if all the record inustries go out of bussiness and all 
the label
mogouls end up on the streets than good! im all for it. i just dont see that ever 
5.  Ebay, bad or good?
ive never tried it but it sort of creeps me out
6.  Russ winning the hottest male contest
im just sore i didnt win
7.  Do you own the Japaneese Tour EP?
8.  First live show?
AEROSMITH in OLD ORCHARD BEACH MAINE...first underground show was a silly local band 
called FLY
SPINICH FLY on new years eve when i was in 6th grade. first punk show i attended and 
enjoyed was SINKHOLE and DOC HOPPER.
9.  Worst live show?
i saw a horrible band once called FECES PEICES..i swear..it was dreadful..made me sick 
to my
stomach. my most dissapointing show ever would have to be seeing KARATE at the 
michigan fest (i know
thats not a show..just part of one) last month...i love them so much but they were 
just unbearable
10.  Favorite sound?
any canadian talking...i want my canadian friend to make me a tape just of her 
talking..like i dont
care..just reading from the phone book..whatever...anyway i would fall asleep to it 
every night. im
also quite fond of joints popping and JUDD NELSON whistling in the breakfast club..it 
just sounds
weird..the last notes he whistles sound inhuman
11.  least favorite sound?
my voice making answering machine messeges.
12.  girls posting their pictures and email addresses
on the internet bad/good?
bad if it leads to stalking...good if it leads to steamy romance...actually online 
love is pretty
bullshit. oh well.
13.  What book should every person in america read?
my high school yearbook
14.  Signing to a major bad/good?
good if you are journey, bad if you are modest mouse
15.  Wearing the t-shirt of the band you are going to
good if its a journey concert, bad if its a modest mouse concert....actually it doesnt 
what you wear to a show is that imortant to you, you should just go to the mall instead
16.  Modest Mouse list being oft-off the topic
i want to make a concious effort to only post non-mouse related topics from now on
17.  Favorite beer?
the best beer is NO BEER!!! drinking is for jack asses.
have any of you ever tried birch beer? its better than root beer!
18.  Favorite color?
19.  What are you going to name your first born child?
im not even going to try to say anything here...leigh gave the absolute best answer 
that could be
given...that was the funniest thing ive heard all day. i hope she doesnt mind if i 
name one of my
children (or at least one of my pets) clitasaurus part 2
20.  Five favorite movies (the question that tells tons about a person)?
1)buffalo 66
4)GLEAMING THE CUBE (dont give me a jerk off handjob)
my favorite movie of last year was DOGMA

oh yeah and whoever said that if you liked u.s. maple you wouldnt like alkaline trio 
(or vise versa
i dont remember) is a hard on. anyone who would make a statement like that is a hard 

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