In the words of one of the greatest men to ever walk the earth, YOU MUST
CHILL.  Sometimes people go off on tangents, this isn't strictly a list
devoted to talking about modest mouse, its a place for modest mouse fans
(who usually share a descent amount in common) to come and talk.  If all you
want are the messages that are related to modest mouse, you can unsubscribe
and I will act as your personal filter, or I could show you how to set it up
on your computer if its really that big a deal.  There are only so many
times you can run down the list of your favorite mouse quotes..sometimes
issues come up that people want to talk about.  If it happens to be that
people dig talking about which girl is cuter, or which boy is hotter, then
rock on; I thought it was a pretty cool idea, and I'm all for looking at
pretty girls.  If people want to verbally joust with each other on the
semantics of atheism..thats groovy too; religion and spirituality are pretty
important subjects for me as well.  We go through this alot it seems, but if
it weren't for these little pet issues to keep the list going throuh the
long stretches with ZERO new news about modest mouse, the list would be
really really really boring.

Lastly, I have no problem with straight edge people..I don't even smoke, I
was thought the (theoretical) image of putting a cigarrete out on some
annoying boys forehead was entertaining.  Please excuse this sense of humor
which has been warped by far too many late nights of cable access TV (Its
better than porn!)


>why is it that talking about God is so "trite" and "cyclic"
talking about god is fine....IN A THEOLOGICAL DISSCUSSION PAGE...
>while talking about the varying level of cuteness of a dozen different
girls a >topic with infinite resources.
    Look, one indiscretion does not excuse another.  I though the
orginal idea was a good know "seeing the faces of fellow
mouse fans"...and i admit that i got a little sick of all the emails
saying "swich my pic" or whatnot, but that is no where near as bad as a
bunch of this religious ...which has no place here
>Let the kids have their fun, your delete key is close
...whereas i have waded through pages and pages of CRAP because i hate
to wade over any important nuggets, you know, stuff about the mouse...
>>>  Your worse then those annoying sXe people at deftones shows.
I'll put my cigarette out in your forehead if I feel like it dammit.
...WOW, you are so COOL...lets threaten people and be as bad or worse
then the idiot hardcore and straightedge know, like the Fuck
Shit Up kids in Mass, or the killidelphia Ninth Circle kids who think
its "rad" to be a "thug" know, i think i'm gonna one up
you best "watch yo back" before i "bust a cap in that ass" ...hey, while
were at it, can we call ourselves the TUPAC FOEVA YO digest
group...those are some really "thuglife" tunes...


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