
> The same scripts in the cgi directory do fine, as they always have,
> when I run them as regular cgi scripts.
> I am using Apache 1.3.27 on HPUX, with mod_perl 1.27
> What might I be doing wrong?

I've never used Apache::PerlRun to run old CGI scripts, always used
Apache::Registry so this might work for you - YMMV

Alias /cgi-perl /home/whatever/cgi-bin
<Location /cgi-perl>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Registry

Then call scripts as /cgi-perl/yourscript.cgi instead of /cgi-bin/yourscript.cgi

As I said, your mileage may vary - I've always had good success with it, but
a script that's not so nicely written can (and probably will) suck up memory
or cause other "interesting" problems. 

Bernhard van Staveren   -   madcat(at)ghostfield.com
GhostField Internet     -   http://www.ghostfield.com/
"A witty saying proves nothing, but damn it's funny!" - me, 1998 

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