Secure Apache Server with mod_ssl and openssl

2001-05-23 Thread Emma Wermström (EMW)
Hi! RedHat Linux 7.1 Apache 1.3.19 Perl 5.005 mod_perl 1.24 embperl mod_ssl and openssl (precompiled from RedHat Linux 7.1) I'm trying to establish an SSL link between browser and apache web server. Before, I had a web page located in two different directories (bla/bla/htdocs/Intro and

Apache::AuthCookie- help on make test

2001-05-18 Thread Emma Wermström (EMW)
hi all! My settings: RedHat Linux7.1 Apache 1.3.19 Perl5.005 mod_perl1.24 embperl When I do make test during Apache::AuthCookie installation phase I get the following messages. I've included all input and output from the perl Makefile.PL and make commands. [root@localhost

using Apache::AuthCookie and Sample::AuthCookieHandler

2001-05-15 Thread Emma Wermström (EMW)
hi! RedHat Linux 7.1 apache 1.3.19 perl 5 mod_perl 1.24 embperl (latest version) apache::authcookie (latest version) I found this great module that allows login and logout from a web site using cookies. the problem is that I don't know how to use it myself. Yes, I've read and reread the

simple question on installing and configuring

2001-04-18 Thread Emma Wermström (EMW)
Hi! I want to add mod_perl to my apache server. However, I already have my server up and running and when I do: perl Makefile.PL I get a request for my apache source directory. I don't know where it is located so I just put: /usr/local/etc/apache. Now the procedure continues but I get an