Running a shell command inside a cgi/perl script

2001-11-30 Thread Kairam, Raj
In my perl script I have a line like this. system( "'/usr/bin/lp -dhp4si /tmp/plotreq.txt' > /tmp/plotid.txt"); hp4si is the destination printer. /tmp/plotreq.txt is small text file to be sent to the printer. /tmp/plotid.txt is the output of lp command ( just one line to indicate job id )to be s

Unable to extract tomcat distribution - Please help

2002-03-28 Thread Kairam, Raj
I downloaded the 'jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3.tar.gz' from '' website. On a unix box running HP-UX 11, as root, I uncompressed it in /tmp directory. To install it, I ran root@:/opt> tar -xvf /tmp/jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3.tar . After a while

Compiling Apache 1.3.12 on Hp_UX 11

2000-07-03 Thread Kairam, Raj
For those of you who were able to compile Apache Server 1.3.12 on HP-UX 11... In the documentation for Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support ( under heading Implementation in the dso.html page ) it is mentioned that the mod_so.c is the only module besides http_core.c which cannot be put into a DSO i

Building modperl as a DSO in Apache_1.3.12

2000-08-22 Thread Kairam, Raj
I am trying to build modperl ( mod_perl-1.24 ) as DSO in to Apache ( apache_1.3.12 ) on a host running HP-UX 11.0 Uncompressed and untarred the source in two parallel directories. /opt/apache_1.3.12 /opt/mod_perl-1.24 Created a file in /opt directory that contained options to be passed on to Makef

Accessing images from a different server

2000-09-25 Thread Kairam, Raj
I have Apache 1.3.12 running on a HP-UX 11 (Machine_A). The document root is /usr/local/apache/htdocs. I need the ability to make images on a different HP-UX 10.20 (Machine_B) available for users from a web browser. The images are in a directory /vault30 which is exported on Machine_B and is nfs m