        I'm also experiencing issues using readdir() under mod_perl 
v1.25/apache 1.3.19 on a perl 5.6.1 system freshly compiled in RH7.1 + 
gcc 2.96/glibc 2.2.  I _can_ get correct behavior when running readdir() 
in perl -e on the command line, but when run thru mod_perl/apache it 
returns null/empty.  It's strange: I keep trying to run finds against 
the  mod_perl and apache source code to detect readdir, and I get hardly 
anything useful..  I wonder where the breakdown is :p

        A temporary workaround is to shell out and do a find -maxdepth 1, 
but that's unworkable for anything beyond my own toy use :p..

- Matt

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