Title: Running Mod-Perl on Solaris 2.8

We have installed mod_perl-1.25 under apache-1.3.14 and Solaris 8, but have not been completely successful in configuring httpd.conf correctly for mod_perl modules.  Whenever I browse my test page www.my.com/perl/test.pl, I get a Netscape pop-up message stating:

        "The document contained no data.
         Try again later, or contact the server's administrator."

I seem to get this for any file I try irrespective of whether it exists.
The apache error_log provides the message:

        "[<date/time>] [notice] child pid 19616 exit signal Segmentation Fault (11)"

The httpd.conf file was modified in the following way to accommodate mod_perl:

        AddModule mod_perl.c    (very first directive after ClearModuleList)
        <IfModule mod_perl.c>
                Alias /perl/ /usr/local/apache_1.3.14/lib/perl/
                PerlModule Apache::Registry
                <Location /perl>
                        SetHandler perl-script
                        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
                        PerlSendHeader On
                        Options +ExecCGI
                        allow from all

The following was added to define the test.pm perl module:

                PerlModule ModPerl::test4
                <Location /mod_perl_test>
                        SetHandler perl-script
                        PerlHandler ModPerl::test4


All the evidence leads me to assume that their is something basic that I am missing.

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