Re: an unusual [job request] + taking mod_perl to the commercial world

2001-04-27 Thread Michael Lazzaro
At 12:00 PM 4/27/01 -0400, JR Mayberry wrote: >there will be more dreams jobs like you described.. simple fact is, I >couldn't name more then 3 companies in my area who use it, and I never >expect to do work with it again. ... on the other hand, even as recently as one year ago, it was almost im

[BUG?] CGI::Cookie->parse() deletes $r->content()

2001-04-04 Thread Michael Lazzaro
I'm looking to see if anyone can verify whether the following behavior is a Feature or a Bug. From within a PerlRequestHandler: my $content = $r->content(); my $cookie = CGI::Cookie->parse( $r->headers_in->get('Cookie') ); works fine, but the reversed code: my $cookie