I'm using apache-1.3.12 at RedHat 7.0 box.
Sometime I've installed Apache::ASP 2.07 and as result got strange error:
[Sun Jan 21 22:28:01 2001] [error] [client] need AuthName: /index.shtml
There is some part from config:
<Files "*.shtml$">
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::ASP
  PerlSetVar Global  /var/tmp
This error appear only when I try to fetch any *.shtml file.
Everything works fine, but I don't understand this strange error message...
Can anybody helps me?

Yours sincerely,
Pavel P. Zabortsev               e-mail:
Software engineer, Postmaster     voice: 927-9523, 26-23 (corp)
CDO UPS Russia                      fax: 220-6542
Moscow, Russia                      ICQ: 133354

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