
I'm trying to upgrade my apache+mod_perl server form versions 1.3.27 (Apache) and 1.27 (mod_perl) to versions 2.0.43 and 2.0 but I have
a problem with cookies.

With mod_perl 1.27 I use Apache::Cookie from libapreq-1.0 and I cannot
fount a similar module for mod_perl 2.0.

Does anybody knows how I can handle cookies, send and get values,
in a mod_perl 2.0 handler?


_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ Rafael Amer Ramon
_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Departament de Matemàtica Aplicada II
_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ _/ E.T.S.E.I.T.
_/ _/ _/ _/ Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
_/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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