> > When attempting to use prepare_cached along with Apache::DBI, it 
> > returns this error once it has ran through each of the apache 
> > children.
> > 
> > [Wed Apr  5 ...] [error] prepare_cached(...) statement handle 
> > DBI::st=HASH(0x8296788) is still active at /home/... line ...
> You should only be getting that error if there is more data on that
> statement handle that you haven't read.  You can take care of that by
> calling $sth->finish, or by reading the rest of the data.
> - Perrin

I was getting similar errors when using the RaiseError flag under DBI as
suggested by the perldoc.  Posted to dbi-users, and turns out that this is
a known issue that will be fixed in an upcoming DBI release.

As a workarround code something like this should help (if you are using
RaiseError => 1):

eval {
        bunch of sqlstatments
if($@) {
        foreach $handle (keys $dbh->{CachedKids}) {

Hope this is useful.


Sean Dague

There is no silver bullet.  Plus, werewolves make better neighbors than
zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.

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