
I'm currently developing a mod_perl application which connects to a
Postgres (soon to be Oracle) backend through dbiproxy.  I'm using
Apache::Session::Postgres, and currently only track one thing... the
number of times a particular session has clicked anything. (Mainly as a
test)  In any case, I've discovered that if a user clicks fast enough on
reload, it will not update, but rather store the same value.  For
instance, I'm logging when a user clicks, their IP, etc, in a flat file.
It will show, on rapid clicking, a pattern of total clicks like this
(retrieved from the session)-->
1,2,3,3,3,4,5,6,7,7,7,8,9,9,10,10,11,12...    so, although the mod_perl
handler completes, and it logs, the session isn't updated.  Has anyone
else experienced this behaviour, and have any suggestions on how to
detect if a user aborts and reclicks while a process is still going on? 
I think I remember reading about something similar in one of the FAQs,
but haven't been able to dig it back up.


  *********    *****    **                  Gary Coulbourne
 *************************.*               Senior Programmer 
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 ****** ********** ****              [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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