On Wed, 2 Feb 2000, Keith Kwiatek wrote:

> Hi again,
> P.S. I seem to have just duplicated the problem running JUST the
> example.perl script contained within the Apache::session distribution.... It
> occurs when you try to create a new session.... I am able to create a number
> of new sessions, and then on the 8th or 9th try, it hangs! This is the
> unmodified example.perl script (ok, I did have to do NSems=16, otherwise it
> didn't work at all on Solaris)
> Keith

I had the same problem, however putting in an explicit 'untie %session'
when I have finished with the tied variable fixes the problem.  My guess
is that it is related to the session variable not going out of scope, so
the destructor method in the Apache::Session class is not invoked.

Although I could be wrong.


Jason Ball
Electronic Commerce Specialist
Corporate Express Australia Ltd
Phone: +61 2 9335 0374  Fax: +61 2 9335 0753

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