Apache::NNTPGateway is a simple gateway between an Apache http server
 (mod_perl enabled) and a NNTP server, allowing user to read, post, followup
 ... articles to newsgroups trough a simple web browser.
 Current v is 0.6 and it is the first public release, but intended for
 debugging help only ... that is if you're ready to manage with it's current
 imperfections and help debugging them and eventually submit patches or
 anything helpfull, this is it! If not you'll have to wait for any further
 release, sorry ;-(
 For now there is no standard Perl module installation procedure, only the raw
 .pm file: 
 /   From the last station before the end of the neT   \
 \ Centre d'Etudes de la Navigation Aerienne,  div SSS /
 / 7, av edouard Belin - 31055 Toulouse CEDEX - France \
 \ Tel:(+33|0) | Fax:(+33|0) /

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