This is the second public release of the access control module. You can
download it from here:

Besides few minor corrections from version 0.31, this one adds several
ticket issuing mechanisms and the interface to implement new issuer is
becoming especially easy to do. In details, here are they:

1) There is a default login page using the simply <HTML> codes. Webmasters
can override the page() method according to the way they like.
HTML::Template is not mandatory.

2) The ticket issuer module Apache::AccessCookieMaster, which uses DBI
database, is now an interface named as Apache::AccessCookie::Ticket. To
actually implement an issuing mechanism, one needs to inherits it and
implement his/her own authenticate() method. Arguments to accepts are:
$self, this; $r, the request object; $login, the login name; $password, the
login password; and $last_access, when the user got a valid ticket last
time. It returns an error string or undef if the issuer authentication is

3) Currently we have implemented the following 7 issuers:
DBI: authenticated against a DBI database
FTP: against a FTP server (those who can login to the FTP server gets a
valid ticket)
IMAP: against an IMAP server
LDAP: against a LDAP server
NIS: again a NIS server
NISPlus: against a NIS+ plus server
Remote: against a remote URL which is protected by Basic Authentication.

4) Because of the limitation to test all types of servers, PLEASE NOTE that
IMAP, LDAP, NIS, NIS+ are actually in the 0.01 version and should be used
very carefully. If you use them, please also take a look at the following
related CPAN modules: Apache::AuthCookieLDAP Apache::AuthzLDAP
Apache::AuthLDAP Apache::AuthenLDAP Apache::AuthNetLDAP Apache::AuthPerLDAP
Apache::AuthenIMAP Apache::AuthenN2 Apache::AuthenNIS Apache::AuthzNIS
Apache::AuthenNISPlus Authen::Smb Apache::AuthenNTLM Apache::AuthenSmb
Apache::AuthenURL. Please help to improve the AccessCookie modules and send
me a note!

5)  For those who have not checked the last release nor other modules like
Apache::AuthCookie, here is a short summary as what they are. Let's take the
AccessCookie::Remote as an example. The original idea of authentication
against a remote URL is in Apache-AuthenURL-0.8 (by John D Groenveld.): if a
visitor can login successfully to a web page that is protected by Basic
Authentication, he/she will be allowed to access the current site as well.
In AuthenURL, the verification is performed by LWP that has to be made for
every request. In the current ticketing system, the authentication is
against a valid self-consistent ticket, a MD5 hash. If the visitor has no
ticket, he/she is first redirected to the ticket master machine for getting
a ticket. The ticket master (issuer) runs the module
Apache::AccessCookie::Remote. It checks the credentials against the remote
URL. If it passes, the master will issue a self-consistent ticket so the
user can use the ticket for the following up requests within a limited time
period. There is no need to verify against the remote URL every time. This
should boost the speed very much.

Peter Bi
Feb. 15, 2002

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