hi list,

    I'm using a mix of SSI and Embperl in a site that's almost done. I
use a set of SSI templates that load the 'content file' indicated by the
query string. And sometimes the 'content file' is an Embperl file. So
far so good.

    Now for a specific page, I definitely need to pass some variables to
the Embperl page. As I am using <!--#include
virtual="$QUERY_STRING_UNESCAPED" --> in the SSI template, [which is not
safe, I know, but the server is quite unsafe by itself] I've tried to
URL-encode the second set of parameters when building the link.

    But I hit a brick wall in the way: As soon as I add a 2nd set of
parameters, the subrequest doesn't 'parse' the embperl file. It just
provides the unparsed emperl!

    Is there a way to achieve what I need to do, and still depend on the
template I've got [ that is, I don't want to re-work my templates in
Embperl ! ] .



--                                                         --
To understand recursion, one must first understand recursion.
--                                                         --
    - Martin Langhoff @ S C I M  Multimedia Technology -
      - http://www.scim.net      | God is real until  -
      - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | declared integer   -

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