okay, i'll bite. . .

package IPO::Shareable

use IPO::BuzzWords qw(:xml :b2b :asp :wha);
use Angel::Investor
use Location::PaloAlto qw(:noMatterWhatItCosts)

sub hype {
    my ($self, $company) = @_;
    my $product;
    die "penniless" unless $self->{sold};

    if ($company->{marketing_dept} > 1) {
       $product = $self->produce(['vaporware', 'months_late']);
       $product->{'spec_change'} = 'daily';

    while ( $company->in_business() ) {
        my $bloat = new IPO::BuzzWords(['seen_on_cnet',

    return $product;

anyone else?  :-)

Tobias Hoellrich wrote:

> You failed to mention that this module requires:
>         IPO::BuzzWords qw(:xml :b2b :asp :wha)
>         Angel::Investor
>    and
>         Location::PaloAlto qw(:noMatterWhatItCosts)
> Thanks Perrin
>   Tobias
> At 03:15 PM 4/6/00 -0700, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> >=head1 NAME
> >
> >IPO::Shareable - Perl extension to get rich quick
> >

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 Humour is something that possesses you."
                      --Robertson Davies

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