:: Based on my own experience, if you have worked with Unix 
:: machines sometime in your past -- it could be in your 
:: distant past --, choose Apache on Linux or any flavor of 
:: Unix over Windows. Unix is far easier to comprehend than 
:: Windows, the documentation is better, and the help more 
:: readily given and abundant. Oh yeah, and more stable.

Having just migrated my mod-perl software from Win2K to Linux I heartily
agree with Kurt.  With only very limited Unix knowledge, I have managed
to setup my server, secure it, and install and configure all the systems
I needed.  I have found the Linux brigade to be very knowledgeable, very
helpful and very willing to SHARE (thank you #Linux).  The quality and
volume of documentation will surprise you too.

Why did I migrate?  My Windows server (running Microsofts' latest and
greatest) rarely stayed up for longer than 48 consecutive hours.  My
Linux box has not been down since I installed (about 2 weeks ago).
Benchmarks also demonstrate a performance gain in my mod_perl apps of
around 20% over the same apps, in the same setup, under Windows.  I
expect to increase this with a little tweaking in the future.

All the best.

Jonathan M. Hollin - WYPUG Co-ordinator
West Yorkshire Perl User Group

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