this is no longer a mod_perl question.... but,
check out: ->> SSLSessionCache

i'm am far from an SSL expert, but this should help minimize the SSL
authorization overhead.


Sachin Lakhanpal wrote:

> Hello ,
>   i am trying to understand what am i supposed to come up with , so
> here i have a client application trying to do a SECURE HTTP POST to the apache 
>webserver .
>   The data to be posted is huge running in megs, so what we are doing
> is we are at the client end splitting this data in smaller chunks .
>   so heres what we want , the client is working with raw sockets to
> open a socket to the webserver and start the posting,we don't want to
> get tied to the fact that after each post of a small chunk we will
> have to close the socket and do a post for the next chunk of data and
> so on,there would be an unacceptable over head of SSL authorization
> everytime the socket is opened.
>   so i have a question regarding the Keep alive option on
> apache,would this option help us here so that initially when the
> client opens a socket to the webserver SSL authorization takes place and from then 
>on this same connection (same session) SSL
> authorization is not required for successive post requests.

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