I am developing a simple web based document management app and would
like any input or critique of the following technique. I am thinking of
using a java applet/application at the client end to be able to display
things such as tree widgets, tiff viewer etc. Also the users, once
authenticated from a db will stay connected all day long. So I am
wondering if it would be better to establish a socket connection to a
middle tier daemon after authetication or handle the whole thing through
a mod_perl handler. Has anyone done an app where java applets talk to
perl/mod_perl in doing such things as populating the tree view widget
etc. Is this done better through seriaized java objets, or can these be
handled at the server side by mod_perl? or will it be more seamless if
servelets are used for the middle tier? I am sort of flying at 10,000
feet and don't appreciated the nuances yet. It'll be a great help to me
if someone who has 'been there and done that' can shed some light on

BROWSER                APACHE             MIDDLE          DB

login -----<http>----> mod_perl -------------
  |                                          |
  |                                          |
  V                                          V
java app --------------<socket>----------[EDMS app]<---> (DB)
[explorer like]                          perl or servelet?


login -----<http>----> mod_perl ---------[EDMS app]<---> (DB)
  |          ^                           mod_perl handlers
  |          |
  V          |
java app ----
[explorer like]

I am wondering which method would have better session management (with
security down to document or even tiff annotations level), db handle
caching etc. IF this is off topic then please email me with whatever
thoughts/advice which will be greatly appreciated.
      _ _
 .-. |M|S|              Bakki Kudva
 |D|_|a|y|              Navaco
 |o|m|n|s|<\            420 Pasadena Drive
 |c|e|a|t| \\           Erie, PA 16505-1037
 |u|n|g|e|  \\          http://www.navaco.com/
 | |T|e|m|   \>         ph: 814-833-2592
""""""""""""""""""      fax:603-947-5747

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