Hello again,

Loggerithim 6.3.0 is now available, ChangeLog follows:

- 6.3.0
* Use page that returns an image/png, rather than writing one to the filesystem
* Added filesystem code to the OS X agent, bringing it near completion.
* Use the IP of a host, then fallback to supplied hostname when metrics
are received.
* Implement debugging, via configuration file. Displays lots of verbose output in the page footer if enabled.
* Remove 'types' column from users table in preparation for a future permissions implementation.
* Cleaned up some debugging stuff.

About Loggerithim:
Loggerithim is a monitoring package that allows you to monitor your systems, proactively spot problems, perform post-mortems, throw alerts when bad (or good) things happen, and automate routine tasks.

As always, please report any problems to the appropriate mailing list (see the website). Upgrading users can consult Appendix C of the documentation.

Cory 'G' Watson

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