Well, after some more code slinging, here's another cut of the Perl
Knowledge Base code.

I've added support for loading modules from case-insensitive file systems
with no prior knowledge of the module case (pod, Pod, or POD, for example
and know which it probably was).  PerlKB::Base is the module to look at.

Added initial support for SPOPS in the storage area - I haven't really
worked with SPOPS before, so I don't know how well it will work.  Anyone's
welcome to play with it and submit patches :)  It just seemed like a useful
thing to have around.

Started a manual after the SPOPS model.  Sorry if parts resemble the
SPOPS::Manual layout.  Seemed like a good way to start :)

  Download: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/perlkb/PerlKB-0.04.tar.gz

  Changelog: http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=57542

  Project page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/perlkb/

Where to next?  Hopefully I can get a repository actually working :/  Then
we can finally see how everything acts together.  Oh... and write more
James Smith - [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.jamesmith.com/
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | http://cis.tamu.edu/systems/opensystems/

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