There are three CPAN modules that seem to want to compete for my Cookie
module attention:

Apache-Cookie-0.1:      installs: site_perl/5.005/Apache/

                        unlinks:  perl5/5.00503/CGI/
libapreq-0.31:          installs: site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/Apache/
                        unlinks:  site_perl/5.005/Apache/

CGI:                    installs: perl5/5.00503/CGI/
                        unlinks:  site_perl/5.005/CGI/

It looks like Apache-Cookie-0.1 is the odd-man-out as the other two
modules each uninstall one of its components.  Or the other way around,
depending on the order of install.  I take it this is no longer a viable
module ... or not?

Just checking.


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