I have a configuration hash that controls all the aspects of my

It is updated while the server is running so it needs to be "refreshed"
for all processes.

What is the best way to share it globally and insure that updates are
read by all processes?

I currently store the hash using the Storable module so it is always in
a hash ( well ok a hash reference ) format, that is no database access
or ini file to modify/keep track of.  When updates are made the hash is
saved in the Storable format.

I have tried some of the suggestions outlined by Stas on the Perl Month
web site, but I am getting inconsistent results. (
http://www.perlmonth.com/columns/perl_apache/perl_apache.html?issue=11 )

I need to have the values available inside of several preloaded modules
as well as at the page level.

The configuration file is working great, expect for having to reboot
when changes are made.

Aaron Johnson

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