I'm trying to build a CVS environment for a team working
with mod_perl.

I tried:

 - Every developer has a http.conf file and a cvs copy
        of the sources.

Then I try to run httpd daemon as the user. I modified
the conf so the owner of the process if the developer
and changed the directories of pid , log , lock ...
to a directory inside the user space.
$ /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -f

My problem is that when It connects to the Apache::Session
complains this way :
 Permission denied at
line 63.

This connection takes place from the HTML::Mason handler.pl
    tie %session, 'Apache::Session::DBI', $cookie,
            {DataSource => 'dbi:mysql:sessions',
            UserName   => 'apache',
            Password   => ''

What am I missing ?

 ^-^,-----.             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 o o       )            http://www.etsetb.upc.es/~frankie
  Y (_ (___(ssss

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