[Sun Apr 28 18:05:42 2002] [error] [client] File does not exist: /moc/ticketLogin


There is the Apache errlog entry for the request I am making.  I am just trying to do the TicketTool, etc example from Chapter 6 of the Eagle mod_perl book but I am getting that error.


Here are my httpd.conf entries:


<Location /members>

 PerlAccessHandler      Apache::TicketAccess

 PerlSetVar             TicketDomain .not_really_the_domain.com

 PerlSetVar             TicketSecret http://not_really_the_domain.com/secrets.txt

 ErrorDocument          403 http://www. not_really_the_domain.com/ticketLogin



<Location /ticketLogin>

 SetHandler     perl-script

 PerlAccessHandler      Apache::TicketMaster

 PerlSetVar             TicketDomain . not_really_the_domain.com

 PerlSetVar             TicketSecret http://www. not_really_the_domain.com/secrets.txt

 PerlSetVar             TicketDatabase mysql:table

 PerlSetVar             TickerTable user:user_nm:password

 PerlSetVar             TicketExpires   10




Any ideas why Apache wouln’t recognize the Location Tag and look for the file instead?





Mike Melillo


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