Subject: Re: Getting AuthCookie to return a wml page
Delivering text/html to a wap browser will definitely make it choke a bit
If you are using the same access mechanism for both web & wap access then
have to sniff the client details to work out what to send back. Now you
Delivering text/html to a wap browser will definitely make it choke a bit :-)
If you are using the same access mechanism for both web & wap access then you
have to sniff the client details to work out what to send back. Now you *could*
look at the USER_AGENT string of the request and work off of
Dear All,
I'm trying to use AuthCookie to return a wml page for those lucky people on
wap browsers. I've got it all working nicely for normal web browsers, but
am getting errors on wap (and the Nokia Wap Toolkit doesn't tell me very
much about why it's an error). One thing that looks a bit susp